Coffee, Conversations, and Connection Join us for our new support group! Coffee, Conversations, and Connection is an in person support group that will be located at 72A Centennial loop #150 Eugene, Oregon. On the first Friday of every month, from 10-11:30am we will be hosting this support group withSigue leyendo

  Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Day This year, we are excited to announce the return of our annual Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Day event in May. However, this year we wanted to are happy to offer TWO events on TWO different days. The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental HealthSigue leyendo

Background image of animated women of different skin tones and sizes captioned with Women's History Month March 1 in the center

As we begin Women’s History Month, it’s important to recognize the multifaceted roles women play in shaping our world. Among the many narratives of resilience and empowerment, one often overlooked is the unwavering strength exhibited by mothers who tirelessly care for children with mental or behavioral health challenges. Celebrating Women’sSigue leyendo

Graphic with animated woman sitting in front of her computer with food, and eating disorders awareness week February 26- March 3rd shown around the woman

In a world where appearance often takes precedence over health, it’s crucial to recognize the silent struggles many individuals face behind closed doors. Eating Disorders Awareness Week serves as a reminder to delve deeper into the complexities of these conditions, fostering empathy, understanding, and support for those affected. Understanding theSigue leyendo

Happy Lunar New Year graphic with dragon centered around a circular pattern

¿Qué es el Año Nuevo Lunar? El Año Nuevo Lunar, o Fiesta de la Primavera, se celebra en China y en gran parte de Asia, incluidos Corea, Vietnam y Singapur, así como entre la diáspora asiática global. Tiene muchas historias de origen. La más común es la leyenda de que las celebraciones tienen su origen en unaSigue leyendo

Silhouette of a head with World Thinking Day February 22, 2024 labeled over the top of the silhouette. There are interlacing lines around the head meant to accentuate the silhouette. OFSN logo is above the silhouette and the ROO logo is in the top left corner

  Adoptar el pensamiento positivo: tres beneficios de cambiar su forma de pensar Vivimos en un mundo ajetreado, plagado de desafíos y obstáculos. Una herramienta poderosa que podemos emplear para ayudarnos a superar estos desafíos es el pensamiento positivo. Es una mentalidad que encierra la clave para transformar nuestras vidas de manera profunda.Sigue leyendo