¿Alguna vez te has sentido frustrado con el “sistema”? Ever wished that those who make policies and laws could hear your story and ideas? Well, they can! Policies, budgets, and laws that affect children’s mental health are changing every year. Our Policy and Advocacy Academy is designed to help us explore together multiple methods of contacting policy makers, ways to share your story, and the best practices of family led advocacy.
Advocacy & Policy Academy for Parents and Caregivers
Join us for a 12-week interactive, hybrid opportunity designed especially for parents and caregivers who wish to gain confidence participating as full-partners on councils, committees, and workgroups, or to become active in the legislative process.
“There is no more powerful advocate for children than a parent armed with information and options.” Rod Paige – US Secretary of Education 2001 – 2005.
Register now for this FREE learning opportunity.